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Trusting God's Unconventional Ways

I KINGS CHAPTER 17 Amid life's trials, when we feel that all hope is fading, God often orchestrates remarkable encounters to remind us of His unwavering love and the importance of trusting His unconventional ways. The story of the widow at Zarephath beautifully exemplifies this truth. Picture a widow and her son standing on the precipice of despair. The land was plagued by famine, their resources had dwindled, and they were preparing to share one last meal together before surrendering to the harsh reality of starvation. It was a moment of dire need and desperation. But in the divine economy of God, there are no coincidences. He saw the widow's plight and had a plan. He sent His prophet, Elijah, to her very doorstep. Here's where the story takes an unexpected turn. Sustained by God's provision at the Brook Cherith, Elijah was now instructed to go to Zarephath to find his own sustenance. He was to rely not on a never-ending brook but on the faith of a widow with barely en

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